I did it! I got the third lesson of my scratcha-frickin' Dreamweaver class completed. And it only took me two weeks to do a lesson that should have taken 30 minutes. I had to reload the software and start from scratch, but it worked. Whew...now I'm only four lessons behind. Hey, you gotta start somewhere.
So I found out that my job interview on Thursday is going to be a phone interview. It's killing me from the nerves because I'm so damned charming in person, and I just don't know if I can adequately charm the interviewers' collective socks off through the telephone line. On the plus side, it does mean that I don't go through a major wardrobe crisis tonight that would have continued on into the wee hours of the morning. That's a plus. And I've got (as my husband refers to it) The Zit That Ate Cincinnati on my cheek. It does detract in the slightest bit from my overwhelming charm. *shrug*
Any words of wisdom for the interview? Would anyone like to share the worst interview question and answer you've ever heard (or even spoken)? Because of his cruel comments about my complexion woes, I'm going to rat out my husband. He was asked in an interview, "If you could be any kind of animal, what would you be?" His answer: "Uh...an elk. 'Cause...they're majestic..." I guess his sheer eloquence didn't intimidate anyone--he was offered the job.