I have been a very bad blogsitter. Three whole days without posting. Good thing Sherri is here to take up the slack that my sorry butt has left in it's wake. Thanks hun.
No doubt Casey will give me a good talking to when she gets back and take away my keys.
But on to my excuses for being such a horrable blogsitter:
1) Family stuff that includes a very sad boyfriend...who needed taking care of.
2) Coming down with a major case of the crud...so that very sad boyfriend actually ended up taking care of me.
3) Major case of the crud resulting in visit to the Dr's office, lots of medication, and me being in a comatose state for the last 24 hours or so.
4) Even if I hadn't been in comatose state for the last day or so the amount of medication I was taking made me so loopy that any posts that might have been written would have made absolutly no sense what so ever.
So please forgive my slacking.....I will try to do better from here on out. Promise.