February 01, 2005

Time Just Draaaaags Alonnnnng...

We're still waiting to hear back on our counter-counter offer for the house purchase in Boise. Our realtor delivered it this morning and the seller's realtor indicated that he thought it would be no problem. But for whatever reason, our realtor thinks we won't know for sure until tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, Matt and I realized that we hadn't received any results from Saturday's inspection on this house. We looked at the contract, and the brokerage was supposed to get that to us by close of business yesterday. We didn't know what to do, and our phone calls weren't getting returned. We finally (with my dad's real estate expertise) drafted a letter to the brokerage pointing out the applicable sections of the contract where it said if we didn't get the results in the time specified, the buyers were implicitly signing off that everything was okay. The broker didn't seem to like our little note. Fancy that! It appears that someone dropped the ball, and even though our buyer was just signing off that everything was okay, we still should have been given some signed paperwork to that effect.

I'm not going to advertise it here on the blog, but in the event anyone is looking to buy or sell real estate in the Cascade area, I'll let you know who not to use.