I mentioned the FreeCycle website/Yahoo group a while back. It's a national (or even international, for all I know) web ring of communities, and people post messages to get rid of usable stuff they have that they simply don't want anymore. For example, you might have a junky desk and you buy a replacement. Rather than selling it in the classifieds or something, you can list it on FreeCycle and someone will e-mail you and let you know they'd like to have it. As the name implies, the items all have to be free.
We've been wanting to get all our moving boxes cleared out of the garage, and rather than put them out with the regular recycling, I listed them on FreeCycle this afternoon. I literally had a taker for them within 10 minutes, and they're coming to pick up the boxes tonight! How cool is that?
Anyway, if you haven't checked the site out, I really recommend it. You could score something really cool, or you can get rid of stuff that you just don't need anymore.