January 24, 2004

Freezing My Knickers Off

We're in the middle of the snowstorm from hell. My husband and I drove up to McCall (the nearest burg with a decent grocery store) and got caught in this nasty-ass white out. We had to stop every 10 miles on the way home so that my considerate spouse could knock the ice off the windshield wipers.

Said spouse has snow-blowed the driveway once already today and is worried he's going to have to do it again in the morning. He's guessing we've had about 7 inches of new snow since yesterday afternoon, which brings the total in the yard up to about 4 feet.

In reading this over, I make it sound like all I do is stay inside the house and watch Xena episodes. Oh, wait...

Snow for sale--you pay shipping. (Insurance recommended.)