January 31, 2004

I *Heart* Wesley

I'm a Wesley Clark girl. I like his policies a lot, and am confident in his ability to wax the floor with G.W. But he's not doing so well in the primaries, is he? Sure, he's not the greatest public speaker and he's not exactly the most "media-genic" guy, at least from the standpoint of avoiding all their little traps. But I believe in him and I so much want him for my President.

Here's why:
He supports gay marriages. To him, a family is a family, regardless of the genders of the people heading it up.

He supports stem cell research. He would allow people to donate unused embryos, but would eliminate any way for people to sell them. My older brother is a paraplegic, and I believe that sufficient stem cell research and subsequent treatment would allow him to walk again.

He supports universal daycare, giving every child a chance on a levelled playing field.

He wants our troops out of Iraq and would use diplomacy, rather than threats to get "our" point across.

He would reduce taxes for low-income familes, and would close tax loopholes for corporations who move their workforce out of country.

That's just a few of the reasons that I like him so well. I wish more people did.