April 14, 2004

The Rules

If you were All Powerful Diety for the day, what rules would you instate? Here are mine:

1. Turn your radio down you little cocksucker. You drive a beat to shit Mazda pickup. You are not cool, and no amount of volume is going to turn you cool. It might, however, cause me to smite you with a 12-gauge. (This All Powerful Diety has a headache.)

2. The All Powerful Diety requires sacrifices, and wishes to be provided with seasons 3 and 4 of Xena on DVD, as well as seasons 2 through 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

3. It is not the All Powerful Diety's night to fix dessert.

4. The All Powerful Diety could really go for some tiramisu tonight.

5. Finally, the All Powerful Diety would like to ask that her alarm clock will work in the morning so that shes doesn't wake up 50 minutes late and miss that very important first cup of coffee, without which the entire day is a total ruin.

Your turn.