The above is what my accupressurist tells me whenever I see him. When I get stressed, I tend to tighten up my shoulders and lock up all the muscles down my back. I've made a conscious effort to change that since the first time he pointed it out, but there is only so far that I can relax them. Time to pay that guy another visit.
Anyway, one of the reasons I'm stressed is that our mortgage company called to say we were delinquent with a payment. I immediately bugged out--I'm anal retentive about many things, but especially with payments to anyone, and most especially to the mortgage company. Long story short, Matt and I split the payment and pay with separate checks, and my check seemingly didn't make it into the envelope. However the hell that happened... The check didn't clear the bank, but I've got it logged into my check register. Matt is afraid he may have tucked it into an envelope going to another place.
Someone at Idaho Power may be sitting at their desk right now thinking, "What the hell?"