Clinic Gets Approval to do Face Transplant
CLEVELAND, OHIO - A clinic in Ohio says it is about to start screening patients for what could be the world's first face transplant.
The clinic's director of plastic surgery, Dr. Maria Siemionow, says they got permission Oct. 15 after 10 months of discussing the issue.
Siemionow says it could take two years to find an appropriate patient, likely one who has been badly disfigured by disease or burns.
But she says finding an appropriate cadaver could prove more difficult. Families of potential donors could be reluctant to allow the donation because faces are so much a part of who people are.
She added that the outcome of the procedure is anything but certain. She says prospective patients will be warned that the chance of failure because of rejection or other complications could be as high as 50 per cent.
The procedure raises a number of ethical issues. The operation carries big risks, yet it is for purely cosmetic reasons, not to correct a life-threatening condition.
I swear to God, it feels like News of the Weird around here lately...
October 31, 2004
October 30, 2004
Call Me Skeptical...
'Hobbit' Skeleton Could Rewrite Prehistory
The discovery of a skeleton of a woman barely one meter tall who hunted pygmy elephants and giant rats 18,000 years ago could rewrite the origins of humanity, scientists in Australia said Thursday.
The perfectly preserved skeleton, about as big as a modern 3-year-old and with a grapefruit-sized skull, was found in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores, about 600 kilometers east of Bali.
The female, nicknamed the Flores Hobbit, has been identified as a completely new member of the human race in the latest edition of the journal Nature.
Evolution ran a different course on Flores. Besides the tiny people, elephants the size of ponies and rats as big as dogs roamed the island and were probably hunted by Homo floresiensis.
The primitive humans may themselves have been hunted by giant lizards -- even bigger versions of the huge Komodo dragons that still roam the island and which have been known to eat humans.
I got the article from Google News and there were several other publications running the story. It sounds like a lot of people really believe this, but I'm thinking it could totally be a hoax. It's just too "Gulliver's Travels" for me.
The discovery of a skeleton of a woman barely one meter tall who hunted pygmy elephants and giant rats 18,000 years ago could rewrite the origins of humanity, scientists in Australia said Thursday.
The perfectly preserved skeleton, about as big as a modern 3-year-old and with a grapefruit-sized skull, was found in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores, about 600 kilometers east of Bali.
The female, nicknamed the Flores Hobbit, has been identified as a completely new member of the human race in the latest edition of the journal Nature.
Evolution ran a different course on Flores. Besides the tiny people, elephants the size of ponies and rats as big as dogs roamed the island and were probably hunted by Homo floresiensis.
The primitive humans may themselves have been hunted by giant lizards -- even bigger versions of the huge Komodo dragons that still roam the island and which have been known to eat humans.
I got the article from Google News and there were several other publications running the story. It sounds like a lot of people really believe this, but I'm thinking it could totally be a hoax. It's just too "Gulliver's Travels" for me.
October 29, 2004
Idahoans: Pay Attention!
Boise Cascade has completed the sale of its timberlands.
What does this mean to you? You know how you used to recreate around Horsethief Reservoir and ride your four-wheelers around the lake with impugnity, but now most of it is fenced off? That's because private corporations bought the Boise Cascade land around it. Pretty much anything that didn't already belong to the State is now property of real estate developers and the YMCA of Boise.
You know how some of your favorite hunting areas are now posted No Tresspassing? That's because private individuals bought them.
Are we getting any closer as to what the purchase by this group could mean for the general public here in Idaho?
Let's look closer: Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC is a "private equity management group". More specifically, "Madison Dearborn Partners, headquartered in Chicago, is one of the most experienced and largest private equity investment firms in the country with approximately $8 billion of assets under management. Madison Dearborn focuses on investments in several specific industries including natural resources, communications, consumer, health care and financial services."
Hmm, what's making money here in the West Central Idaho mountains? Ski resorts. Golf courses. Destination resorts. Real estate development.
Wait, what was that last one? Real estate development? Boys and girls, it is my educated opinion that Madison Dearborn Partners intends to make their money from the area Boise Cascade lands, not by selling pulpwood, but by selling land. To private developers. It's already happening in past Boise Cascade sales.
Does it bug you to think of areas like Horsethief and Clear Creek and the North Fork of the Payette River being locked up against the traditional public use that has been occurring in the past with Boise Cascade's blessing? It should, because the developers at places like Tamarack Resort have already made it abundantly clear to the locals that they're not welcome to recreate like they have in the past. Heck, land prices, lift tickets and greens fees have been priced so high that no local has a prayer of joining in the fun up there.
I don't have a solution for you, but I sure would like to see a lot of people here in Idaho thinking a lot harder about how wild areas are being sold and developed.
What does this mean to you? You know how you used to recreate around Horsethief Reservoir and ride your four-wheelers around the lake with impugnity, but now most of it is fenced off? That's because private corporations bought the Boise Cascade land around it. Pretty much anything that didn't already belong to the State is now property of real estate developers and the YMCA of Boise.
You know how some of your favorite hunting areas are now posted No Tresspassing? That's because private individuals bought them.
Are we getting any closer as to what the purchase by this group could mean for the general public here in Idaho?
Let's look closer: Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC is a "private equity management group". More specifically, "Madison Dearborn Partners, headquartered in Chicago, is one of the most experienced and largest private equity investment firms in the country with approximately $8 billion of assets under management. Madison Dearborn focuses on investments in several specific industries including natural resources, communications, consumer, health care and financial services."
Hmm, what's making money here in the West Central Idaho mountains? Ski resorts. Golf courses. Destination resorts. Real estate development.
Wait, what was that last one? Real estate development? Boys and girls, it is my educated opinion that Madison Dearborn Partners intends to make their money from the area Boise Cascade lands, not by selling pulpwood, but by selling land. To private developers. It's already happening in past Boise Cascade sales.
Does it bug you to think of areas like Horsethief and Clear Creek and the North Fork of the Payette River being locked up against the traditional public use that has been occurring in the past with Boise Cascade's blessing? It should, because the developers at places like Tamarack Resort have already made it abundantly clear to the locals that they're not welcome to recreate like they have in the past. Heck, land prices, lift tickets and greens fees have been priced so high that no local has a prayer of joining in the fun up there.
I don't have a solution for you, but I sure would like to see a lot of people here in Idaho thinking a lot harder about how wild areas are being sold and developed.
Still on Sick Vacation
I'm home sick again today. Yesterday was a lot worse--one of those nasty sore throats where you can barely swallow because it feels like you have a tennis ball stuck down your throat. The sore throat is almost gone today, only to be replaced by mass mucous production. Yay for me.
I totally did not realize that F/X syndicated Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I discovered this yesterday, and since I just recently finished watching Season Two on DVD, I was wondering about quite a few things. Turns out F/X is in the middle of Season Five, which explains why Willow has a girlfriend, Spike & Buffy are sort of dating (though based on today's episode, I think that's over), and why Buffy's mother is no longer in the picture. Not like I'm going to miss her. She annoyed the crap out of me.
I think Matt got me Season Three for my birthday, which is going to fill up a few hours of lay-off time. Sweet!
Speaking of birthdays, thanks to Louisiana Casey for buying me an orange mocha for my big day! (That's what I'll be getting, I think.)
I totally did not realize that F/X syndicated Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I discovered this yesterday, and since I just recently finished watching Season Two on DVD, I was wondering about quite a few things. Turns out F/X is in the middle of Season Five, which explains why Willow has a girlfriend, Spike & Buffy are sort of dating (though based on today's episode, I think that's over), and why Buffy's mother is no longer in the picture. Not like I'm going to miss her. She annoyed the crap out of me.
I think Matt got me Season Three for my birthday, which is going to fill up a few hours of lay-off time. Sweet!
Speaking of birthdays, thanks to Louisiana Casey for buying me an orange mocha for my big day! (That's what I'll be getting, I think.)
These Halloween costumes for kids are sick. Wildly amusing, but sick.
My faves are Nancy Reagan and Jenna Bush's liver.
My faves are Nancy Reagan and Jenna Bush's liver.
October 28, 2004
My Eggs are Not Over-Easy
Beth is Chris' wife. Turns out they're having some really similar fertility issues to Matt and me.
In light of all that, I thought I'd bring you up to date on the whole battle. I finished my first round of Clomid and patiently took my temperature every morning. It's supposed to spike about a half-degree or so when you're ovulating. In addition, I peed on a stick every night for five nights. (When is someone going to make an ovulation and/or pregnancy test that doesn't involve me getting urine all over the place? Jesus H. Christ...) The results? Nothing. No egg made it into the end zone.
My doctor said that was a likely thing. He said that when people have ovulation problems, the first round of Clomid doesn't usually work. I guess you have to build up the right hormones or something. Knowing that, I'm not too disappointed, but...still...
I hate hearing those, "I have a friend whose sister had the exact same problem, but she did *fill in the blank* and it worked right off the bat!" I have no expectation of "right off the bat." I believe my bat is lost in the Depo-Provera induced limbo of forgotten hormone production. Seriously. I think Depo, which I took for years to combat my endometriosis, shut down the works. Now I just hope that additional hormone supplementation can bring it all back around.
Anyway, luck to Chris and Beth, and everyone else out there dealing with fertility problems. And us.
In light of all that, I thought I'd bring you up to date on the whole battle. I finished my first round of Clomid and patiently took my temperature every morning. It's supposed to spike about a half-degree or so when you're ovulating. In addition, I peed on a stick every night for five nights. (When is someone going to make an ovulation and/or pregnancy test that doesn't involve me getting urine all over the place? Jesus H. Christ...) The results? Nothing. No egg made it into the end zone.
My doctor said that was a likely thing. He said that when people have ovulation problems, the first round of Clomid doesn't usually work. I guess you have to build up the right hormones or something. Knowing that, I'm not too disappointed, but...still...
I hate hearing those, "I have a friend whose sister had the exact same problem, but she did *fill in the blank* and it worked right off the bat!" I have no expectation of "right off the bat." I believe my bat is lost in the Depo-Provera induced limbo of forgotten hormone production. Seriously. I think Depo, which I took for years to combat my endometriosis, shut down the works. Now I just hope that additional hormone supplementation can bring it all back around.
Anyway, luck to Chris and Beth, and everyone else out there dealing with fertility problems. And us.
October 27, 2004
Take That!
This is kind of fun. You can slap the presidential candidate of your choice.
We all know who I picked to slap. If you whack him hard enough, Howard Dean comes out and yelled, "Wheee-yah!" Go for it.
We all know who I picked to slap. If you whack him hard enough, Howard Dean comes out and yelled, "Wheee-yah!" Go for it.
October 26, 2004
The Lemurs Baked a Cake
Wednesday marks the birthday of John Cleese, famous British comic. (Is he a comic, or a comedian? Both, probably.) I have no idea how old he is, but I do know that Wednesday also marks the launch of his website, The John Cleese. I know because the lemurs tell me in sporadic newsletters.
Anyway, there was a little witticism on the site tonight that I thought I'd share:
How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?
None. There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision and nothing has happened to change our minds. People who criticize this light bulb now, just because it doesn’t work anymore, supported us when we first screwed it in, and when these flip-floppers insist on saying that it is burned out, they are merely giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness.
Go check out the site!
Anyway, there was a little witticism on the site tonight that I thought I'd share:
How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?
None. There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb. There is no need to change anything. We made the right decision and nothing has happened to change our minds. People who criticize this light bulb now, just because it doesn’t work anymore, supported us when we first screwed it in, and when these flip-floppers insist on saying that it is burned out, they are merely giving aid and encouragement to the Forces of Darkness.
Go check out the site!
Somebody Sneeze On Me
I'd like to get sick this week, sooner rather than later. I could use a sick day or two. I found out that we're working the rest of this week, and then the two weeks following that. This means that I probably have no more than twelve days of work left this year (I'm deducting one for Veteran's Day).
I'm debating taking next Tuesday off to celebrate turning 30, but am thinking that I might really need to take next Wednesday off to grieve the election instead.
Since Veteran's Day falls on a Thursday, I think I really ought to take the next day off. It's Friday, after all, and I might as well take it off and have a nice four-day weekend that will last until the first of April.
In the meantime, I really am starting to feel a little yucky. I drink tea like it was going out of style, just as a matter of course. That and my prenatal vitamins ordinarily keep me as healthy as a mule. Speaking of tea, looks like it delays the onset of Alzheimer's disease. How 'bout that? So I'm pretty sure I don't have Alzheimer's--just the start of a sore throat, perhaps.
I'm debating taking next Tuesday off to celebrate turning 30, but am thinking that I might really need to take next Wednesday off to grieve the election instead.
Since Veteran's Day falls on a Thursday, I think I really ought to take the next day off. It's Friday, after all, and I might as well take it off and have a nice four-day weekend that will last until the first of April.
In the meantime, I really am starting to feel a little yucky. I drink tea like it was going out of style, just as a matter of course. That and my prenatal vitamins ordinarily keep me as healthy as a mule. Speaking of tea, looks like it delays the onset of Alzheimer's disease. How 'bout that? So I'm pretty sure I don't have Alzheimer's--just the start of a sore throat, perhaps.
Tee Minus Seven Days and Counting
So it's now a week until the Presidential election. I'm so nervous about it that my stomach starts to hurt when I think about how close the race is.
I think this is going to be another election decided by the electoral college, as opposed to the popular vote. That really disturbs me: Lord knows the politicians here in Idaho have made some really bad decisions during their tenure, and I'm not just saying that as a Democrat in an overwhelmingly Republican state. There have been so many bad decisions, and I hate that those decision makers are going to be speaking out as to my choice for President. Essentially, they're eliminating my vote, my voice.
Anyway, if there are any voters reading who can't decide which candidate to vote for, here's my plea: next Tuesday is my 30th birthday, and as a present to me, I'd like to ask you to vote for John Kerry. I won't give you a dissertation on why he's the better candidate. I'm just saying that it would save you a little money on the gift (and shipping is free!). Heh.
I think this is going to be another election decided by the electoral college, as opposed to the popular vote. That really disturbs me: Lord knows the politicians here in Idaho have made some really bad decisions during their tenure, and I'm not just saying that as a Democrat in an overwhelmingly Republican state. There have been so many bad decisions, and I hate that those decision makers are going to be speaking out as to my choice for President. Essentially, they're eliminating my vote, my voice.
Anyway, if there are any voters reading who can't decide which candidate to vote for, here's my plea: next Tuesday is my 30th birthday, and as a present to me, I'd like to ask you to vote for John Kerry. I won't give you a dissertation on why he's the better candidate. I'm just saying that it would save you a little money on the gift (and shipping is free!). Heh.
No Soup for...Me?
Matt and I are having an argument (heated discussion, really): is it unsafe to heat up a can of soup over a campfire? That's what I've been doing for my lunch lately, and he says that heating food in the metal can releases toxins that can be dangerous. I say that's hooey.
I checked Snopes and even Ask Jeeves (which was totally useless and just came up with a bunch of advertisements), and got nothing remotely conclusive.
Has anyone else heard this? If so, is there any documentation on it?
I checked Snopes and even Ask Jeeves (which was totally useless and just came up with a bunch of advertisements), and got nothing remotely conclusive.
Has anyone else heard this? If so, is there any documentation on it?
October 24, 2004
I Wave My Private Parts at Your Aunties!
I think it's time to quit blogging and go watch my favorite movie...

You are a French Guard! You love nothing better
than to torment the silly English
Knnnniggits...even if your insults don't make
much sense--You tiny brained wiper of other
people's bottoms!
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a French Guard! You love nothing better
than to torment the silly English
Knnnniggits...even if your insults don't make
much sense--You tiny brained wiper of other
people's bottoms!
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
Got Gas?
Gas prices are obviously on the way back up. I paid $2.01/gallon at the Maverik in Boise yesterday, but the cheapest place here in Cascade is currently at $2.15.
How much is a gallon costing in your area?
How much is a gallon costing in your area?
October 23, 2004
And Wisconsin is a Swing State?
This has got to be just killing a lot of Wisconsin Republicans. I'm pretty sure that if you live in Wisconsin, you're automatically a Green Bay Packer fan. You can't not root for the Packers to win, or else you get sent to Illinois to live in exile.
Here's the scoop (straight from
A recent item of this ilk maintains that the results of the last game played at home by the NFL's Washington Redskins (a football team based in the national capital, Washington, D.C.) before the U.S. presidential elections has accurately foretold the winner of the last fifteen of those political contests, going back to 1944. If the Redskins win their last home game before the election, the party that occupies the White House continues to hold it; if the Redskins lose that last home game, the challenging party's candidate unseats the incumbent president. While we don't presume there is anything more than a random correlation between these factors, it is the case that the pattern has held true even longer than claimed, stretching back over seventeen presidential elections since 1936.
The Redskins play the Green Bay Packers on Sunday, October 31. Who are you rooting for?
Here's the scoop (straight from
A recent item of this ilk maintains that the results of the last game played at home by the NFL's Washington Redskins (a football team based in the national capital, Washington, D.C.) before the U.S. presidential elections has accurately foretold the winner of the last fifteen of those political contests, going back to 1944. If the Redskins win their last home game before the election, the party that occupies the White House continues to hold it; if the Redskins lose that last home game, the challenging party's candidate unseats the incumbent president. While we don't presume there is anything more than a random correlation between these factors, it is the case that the pattern has held true even longer than claimed, stretching back over seventeen presidential elections since 1936.
The Redskins play the Green Bay Packers on Sunday, October 31. Who are you rooting for?
October 21, 2004
I *Heart* Greg
On cold nights like this, when I'm scanning other blogs for content to steal and post, I also stop by the blogs of people who are more than just brains ripe for the picking.
Tonight I was checking out Geese Aplenty and found this little gem:
Oprah, your ego is a sentient, living monstrosity, and I’d like to slam a phone book shut on your nose.
Couldn't have said it better myself, which is why I guess I ended up stealing Greg's content anyway.
Tonight I was checking out Geese Aplenty and found this little gem:
Oprah, your ego is a sentient, living monstrosity, and I’d like to slam a phone book shut on your nose.
Couldn't have said it better myself, which is why I guess I ended up stealing Greg's content anyway.
Music Buzz
I spent part of last Saturday searching for a yard sign for the Democratic candidate for a county commissioner's seat in our area. My search led me to the Roseberry General Store, a really cool old-time establishment in the settlement of Roseberry, west of Donnelly. Roseberry really isn't a town anymore, but a testament to the pioneer spirit and the Finnish community that settled there.
Anyway, as I was wandering around in the store (because I can't pass up a shopping opportunity, no matter where I am), I noticed that they were playing a great folk/alt group over the stereo system. I couldn't quite pinpoint the sound; part of me wanted to say it was The Nields, but then I'd think that they sounded a lot like The Indigo Girls. One way or another, I was really enjoying the sound. Turns out it's a group called Redfish Bluefish, which, in it's current incarnation, consists of Poeina and Felicia. These two ladies have beautiful, ethereal voices. From what the storekeeper told me, quite a bit of opera and classical Spanish guitar training build the foundation of the sound.
I e-mailed the ladies of Redfish Bluefish to find out a little more about them and it looks like they're about to record a new, live album. Additionally, they say they're focusing their touring in the "Texas on west" area. I thought I'd share a snippet of their reply to me regarding a past tour:
"we tried touring the east coast during our third tour, and almost starved to death and got hit by a car in new york city while trying to sleep. all for the grand payment of $4.50." Ahh, the glamour! I didn't confirm it with the ladies, but the storekeeper let me know that the band is going to be spending some time in Roseberry this winter, and I'm definitely planning on catching a live performance.
Anyway, if anyone here wanted to take a chance on my recommendation, I'd pick you up a copy of the CD I bought, "Dance Like Paper Dolls." It cost $12.00, and I'd probably have you give me another $3.85 on top of that for priority shipping, but I promise it's worth it. Leave me a note in the comments and we'll set it up.
Anyway, as I was wandering around in the store (because I can't pass up a shopping opportunity, no matter where I am), I noticed that they were playing a great folk/alt group over the stereo system. I couldn't quite pinpoint the sound; part of me wanted to say it was The Nields, but then I'd think that they sounded a lot like The Indigo Girls. One way or another, I was really enjoying the sound. Turns out it's a group called Redfish Bluefish, which, in it's current incarnation, consists of Poeina and Felicia. These two ladies have beautiful, ethereal voices. From what the storekeeper told me, quite a bit of opera and classical Spanish guitar training build the foundation of the sound.
I e-mailed the ladies of Redfish Bluefish to find out a little more about them and it looks like they're about to record a new, live album. Additionally, they say they're focusing their touring in the "Texas on west" area. I thought I'd share a snippet of their reply to me regarding a past tour:
"we tried touring the east coast during our third tour, and almost starved to death and got hit by a car in new york city while trying to sleep. all for the grand payment of $4.50." Ahh, the glamour! I didn't confirm it with the ladies, but the storekeeper let me know that the band is going to be spending some time in Roseberry this winter, and I'm definitely planning on catching a live performance.
Anyway, if anyone here wanted to take a chance on my recommendation, I'd pick you up a copy of the CD I bought, "Dance Like Paper Dolls." It cost $12.00, and I'd probably have you give me another $3.85 on top of that for priority shipping, but I promise it's worth it. Leave me a note in the comments and we'll set it up.
October 20, 2004
Gone to the Dogs

Where are the Birds?

Matt and I took the dogs on a bird hunting expedition last week. We headed to the top of Snowbank Mountain, which is one of the prettiest areas around Cascade. The dogs got lots of exercise, as did Matt and I, but no birds were to be had. I really liked this picture, so I figured I'd share.
For those of you who have seen him before, Matt shaved off all his facial hair earlier this summer. I like the clean-shaven look so much better. You'd never know he just turned 40, huh?
October 19, 2004
I'm so exhausted tonight. Work has been a major grind this week, and I'm really ready to get laid off. I didn't think I'd be saying that--a month ago, I'd have been thrilled to know I was getting a few more pay periods out of the deal. Now? I just want to have some down time.
On the good side, I just found out that a friend of mine is pregnant with her second child. I'm so happy for her--that was the one thing that put a grin on my face today. Congrats, Kathy!
On the good side, I just found out that a friend of mine is pregnant with her second child. I'm so happy for her--that was the one thing that put a grin on my face today. Congrats, Kathy!
One of my nieces was on The Jane Pauley Show today!
I Tivo'ed it, of course. Her dad let us know that her dance group was going to be making an appearance. We saw a couple of good shots of her in a group, but then she and a few other kids appeared in the studio and danced on stage! It was incredible!
I'm so proud of her. She's been training in dance for years now, so I'm sure this was a huge thing for her. She's also planning a career in natural resources and applying to Mount Holyoke for college. What a smarty-pants!
Way to go, Magda!!!
I Tivo'ed it, of course. Her dad let us know that her dance group was going to be making an appearance. We saw a couple of good shots of her in a group, but then she and a few other kids appeared in the studio and danced on stage! It was incredible!
I'm so proud of her. She's been training in dance for years now, so I'm sure this was a huge thing for her. She's also planning a career in natural resources and applying to Mount Holyoke for college. What a smarty-pants!
Way to go, Magda!!!
October 18, 2004
Two Open Letters
It's letter-writing time here at All I'm Saying. My first letter goes to my friend, Michelle, who I hope is still reading the blog.
Dear Michelle,
I found a Christmas present for Darren. I know this is his favoritest story of all from The Onion, and I'm sure he'd love it.
The second letter is to Darcy James, the Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives here in my district.
Dear Darcy,
Thanks for talking with me last Saturday in Cascade. Sorry you thought I was going to run you over, but being a fellow Democrat from Idaho, I'm sure you can understand my excitement at seeing a kindred spirit just walking down the street. I'm very glad I hit the brakes in time.
Thanks also for bringing by a sign for us to put in our yard. I wasn't expecting company, which was why I had to pause Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season II (it was the final episode of the season and very important to me). I was in the middle of eating a bowl of clam chowder. I hope you realized that was what was on the front of my shirt.
I'm so excited to have you as a candidate and I'm sure you're going to win. I'm just sad that someday when you're famous, you're going to look around at an important event, see me, and say to yourself, "There's that lunatic...whats'ername."
Dear Michelle,
I found a Christmas present for Darren. I know this is his favoritest story of all from The Onion, and I'm sure he'd love it.
The second letter is to Darcy James, the Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives here in my district.
Dear Darcy,
Thanks for talking with me last Saturday in Cascade. Sorry you thought I was going to run you over, but being a fellow Democrat from Idaho, I'm sure you can understand my excitement at seeing a kindred spirit just walking down the street. I'm very glad I hit the brakes in time.
Thanks also for bringing by a sign for us to put in our yard. I wasn't expecting company, which was why I had to pause Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season II (it was the final episode of the season and very important to me). I was in the middle of eating a bowl of clam chowder. I hope you realized that was what was on the front of my shirt.
I'm so excited to have you as a candidate and I'm sure you're going to win. I'm just sad that someday when you're famous, you're going to look around at an important event, see me, and say to yourself, "There's that lunatic...whats'ername."
October 16, 2004
Cozy Morning
I'm starting to see how my laid-off time is going to work this winter. My weekend mornings are being spent by waking up around 8:30, getting a cup of coffee and watching the TV for a few minutes while the caffeine trickles into the bloodstream, then sitting in front of the computer in my bathrobe and sweats for a couple of hours. My "goal" is to get moving by about noonish, as in bathed, fully dressed, dried hair. I think every day of the layoff is going to be spent about the same way.
On a somewhat-related tangent, I got a great compliment from one of my husband's co-workers last night. I was standing there in my sweats and a fleece turtleneck and scratching my ass when he said (over the telephone, and apropos of a secret birthday present for my husband, who turns 40 this weekend) that I was a very stylish person. I said, "If only you could see me now." He said, "You're the kind of person who wears a sweatshirt and jeans and makes them look stylish. A lot of women need to wear high fashion clothes and lots of make-up before they look stylish. You really don't have to work at it." I thought that was a great compliment!
Anyhoo, the clock is striking 10:00 right now and I just remembered that I need to go check E-bay for insulated draperies for our living room. I hope everyone is having a thooper Thaturday!
On a somewhat-related tangent, I got a great compliment from one of my husband's co-workers last night. I was standing there in my sweats and a fleece turtleneck and scratching my ass when he said (over the telephone, and apropos of a secret birthday present for my husband, who turns 40 this weekend) that I was a very stylish person. I said, "If only you could see me now." He said, "You're the kind of person who wears a sweatshirt and jeans and makes them look stylish. A lot of women need to wear high fashion clothes and lots of make-up before they look stylish. You really don't have to work at it." I thought that was a great compliment!
Anyhoo, the clock is striking 10:00 right now and I just remembered that I need to go check E-bay for insulated draperies for our living room. I hope everyone is having a thooper Thaturday!
October 14, 2004
How About Some Opera, Wilbur?
There's an old saying, "Never try to teach a pig to sing; it will only waste your time and annoy the pig."
That said, do you ever find yourself arguing with people you loathe? Not necessarily someone you have to talk to, but someone you just can't help trying to re-educate?
I need to learn to walk away. There's another old saying, "Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer feels so good when you stop." Okay, maybe that's just something my dad made up and it really isn't a saying.
That said, do you ever find yourself arguing with people you loathe? Not necessarily someone you have to talk to, but someone you just can't help trying to re-educate?
I need to learn to walk away. There's another old saying, "Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer feels so good when you stop." Okay, maybe that's just something my dad made up and it really isn't a saying.
That's a Lotta Clams
Congratulations, citizens of America! The National Debt is now skirting $7.4 trillion dollars.
When I got to thinking about that, I thought, "How much is $7.4 trillion dollars in real-world terms?" That's so far beyond my comprehension that I had to sit down with a pen and paper and a calculator.
Say the population of the world is around 6 billion people. That's enough money to give every single person on the planet $1,233. Every living human being on the entire globe. Does that give you any sense of it all? How about this: it would purchase a $100,000 home for 7.4 million people. End homelessness, anyone? (I'm not too proud to admit that I'm dreadful with math, but I'm pretty sure that's how the numbers shake out. If someone can correct me, please do so.)
The Newsday article says, "At the moment, there is no threat to government operations. 'The Treasury has more than enough funds,' said Lou Crandall, chief economist for Wrightson ICAP, bond research firm based in Jersey City, N.J.. Nor do investors face any risk as long as Congress does indeed raise the debt limit next month.
"It would be the third hike in four years as the federal debt has risen by $1.8 trillion since 2000. In that time, federal finances have also swung from a $127 billion budget surplus to the $413 billion deficit for the 2004 fiscal year, which [Treasury Secretary] Snow also announced Thursday."
I find that sort of terrifying, don't you?
When I got to thinking about that, I thought, "How much is $7.4 trillion dollars in real-world terms?" That's so far beyond my comprehension that I had to sit down with a pen and paper and a calculator.
Say the population of the world is around 6 billion people. That's enough money to give every single person on the planet $1,233. Every living human being on the entire globe. Does that give you any sense of it all? How about this: it would purchase a $100,000 home for 7.4 million people. End homelessness, anyone? (I'm not too proud to admit that I'm dreadful with math, but I'm pretty sure that's how the numbers shake out. If someone can correct me, please do so.)
The Newsday article says, "At the moment, there is no threat to government operations. 'The Treasury has more than enough funds,' said Lou Crandall, chief economist for Wrightson ICAP, bond research firm based in Jersey City, N.J.. Nor do investors face any risk as long as Congress does indeed raise the debt limit next month.
"It would be the third hike in four years as the federal debt has risen by $1.8 trillion since 2000. In that time, federal finances have also swung from a $127 billion budget surplus to the $413 billion deficit for the 2004 fiscal year, which [Treasury Secretary] Snow also announced Thursday."
I find that sort of terrifying, don't you?
October 13, 2004
The Great Debate
A couple questions for you all:
One, have you watched any or all of the presidential debates?
Two, if so, has it changed your opinion of either candidate?
Three, have the debates been an influence on the way you will vote?
I've watched the first hour of all three debates. I've left them on in the background beyond that hour and listened intermittently. I would say that the debates have made me feel much more confident in John Kerry's vision for America and have helped me feel comfortable about choosing him as the recipient of my vote. Finally, the debates have not particularly influenced the way I'll vote. I knew going in that I wasn't voting for Bush.
I do think they make for pretty good television.
One, have you watched any or all of the presidential debates?
Two, if so, has it changed your opinion of either candidate?
Three, have the debates been an influence on the way you will vote?
I've watched the first hour of all three debates. I've left them on in the background beyond that hour and listened intermittently. I would say that the debates have made me feel much more confident in John Kerry's vision for America and have helped me feel comfortable about choosing him as the recipient of my vote. Finally, the debates have not particularly influenced the way I'll vote. I knew going in that I wasn't voting for Bush.
I do think they make for pretty good television.
No Soup for You!
You are Inspiration Soup!! You live to Inspire
those around you with your green beany, white
chunky, red soupy goodness. Many have come and
lit candles in your honor. You've inspired
them to become better people. Thank you,
Inspiration Soup... thank you.
What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
From Sherri. Let me know what you end up being, and how you related to the decor.
October 12, 2004
Call Me Myrtle... in, Myrtle the Fertile Turtle. (Chris, can you name the book that's from?)
Anyway, it was back to Doctorville for me today. We needed to have a little sit-down chat about when to start the fertility drugs, etc. He and I really need to work on our communication skills.
The gist of the story is: I'm starting Clomid. Tonight, as a matter of fact. The doc says that very few people (with my issues, anyway) actually ovulate on their first round of pills, but hey, it could happen.
I'm feeling so good--like we're finally on the road to having a baby. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Anyway, it was back to Doctorville for me today. We needed to have a little sit-down chat about when to start the fertility drugs, etc. He and I really need to work on our communication skills.
The gist of the story is: I'm starting Clomid. Tonight, as a matter of fact. The doc says that very few people (with my issues, anyway) actually ovulate on their first round of pills, but hey, it could happen.
I'm feeling so good--like we're finally on the road to having a baby. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
October 11, 2004
Drama Mine
I'm feeling rather irked this evening. It comes down to family, as it so often does. My family is medium-sized, I guess. Basically, it's my dad, his fiancee' (of at least five years, but I've seriously lost count at this point) my two older brothers, my younger brother, and Matt & me. The eldest brother has a wife and kids, the next eldest has a fiancee' and several pending step-kids.
Ever since Matt and I bought our house, we've hosted Thanksgiving here. Matt and I cook dinner (with my eldest brother's help) because we're the only ones in the family that can cook worth a darn. My dad's idea of cooking dinner is a canned ham and canned gravy over potato buds. His fiancee' doesn't care; she lost her sense of taste several years back and at every single meal we eat says, "The texture is marvelous. I just wish I could taste it." I sympathize. In fact, I'd probably turn to a life of crime if I couldn't taste my food. But...I'm so tired of hearing it. Everyone else is, too.
So my dad and the fiancee' take care of her grandkids pretty much all day every day. Why? Because her daughter (let's call her Drusilla, for poetry's sake) is a terminal fuck-up. She's divorced with two kids, has been through bankruptcy twice, and won't get day care because her mother will watch the kids. Her mother is on disability because of some orthopaedic issues, but hey, why not have her watching two small kids all day? And let's not forget that Drusilla is a WHORE. I swear to God, she tried to take my dad to bed a few years ago. This was just before she tried to take a boyfriend (at the time) of mine to bed. I had to make a very conscious, difficult decision to not smite her into the dust. What do I get for letting her live?
I'm wandering, here. I called my dad tonight to confirm that we'd be having Turkey Day here at our house again and he said, "Oh. Well. Drusilla is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this year and she'd like everyone to come here."
*Quietness. Sounds of grasshoppers singing in the grass. I think you could have heard my blinking my eyes. Repeatedly.*
Thanksgiving is at my house, boys and girls. That's the tradition. The kids sled down the driveway after dinner. I park my car down there specially so that they won't go zinging right onto the highway. This is MY TRADITION!!!
I've no idea what to do about this. Youngest brother doesn't give a shit as long as he gets to eat for free. Middle brother may not even be coming home from Eastern Idaho for turkey day. Eldest brother said, "I was really hoping that you'd pitch a wall-eyed fit over the whole thing and I could tell Dad, 'You know, I really feel like I need to support Casey on this.'" I'm tempted, I really am.
Eldest brother hates the future step-mother (for tedious reasons I won't go into here), and would love it if we could rally and say in our own little passive-aggressive way that we don't really care to become the Brady Bunch, thank you very much.
I've fallen into the role of peace-maker for years now, and it's hard to fight that. I don't know what to do.
Ever since Matt and I bought our house, we've hosted Thanksgiving here. Matt and I cook dinner (with my eldest brother's help) because we're the only ones in the family that can cook worth a darn. My dad's idea of cooking dinner is a canned ham and canned gravy over potato buds. His fiancee' doesn't care; she lost her sense of taste several years back and at every single meal we eat says, "The texture is marvelous. I just wish I could taste it." I sympathize. In fact, I'd probably turn to a life of crime if I couldn't taste my food. But...I'm so tired of hearing it. Everyone else is, too.
So my dad and the fiancee' take care of her grandkids pretty much all day every day. Why? Because her daughter (let's call her Drusilla, for poetry's sake) is a terminal fuck-up. She's divorced with two kids, has been through bankruptcy twice, and won't get day care because her mother will watch the kids. Her mother is on disability because of some orthopaedic issues, but hey, why not have her watching two small kids all day? And let's not forget that Drusilla is a WHORE. I swear to God, she tried to take my dad to bed a few years ago. This was just before she tried to take a boyfriend (at the time) of mine to bed. I had to make a very conscious, difficult decision to not smite her into the dust. What do I get for letting her live?
I'm wandering, here. I called my dad tonight to confirm that we'd be having Turkey Day here at our house again and he said, "Oh. Well. Drusilla is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this year and she'd like everyone to come here."
*Quietness. Sounds of grasshoppers singing in the grass. I think you could have heard my blinking my eyes. Repeatedly.*
Thanksgiving is at my house, boys and girls. That's the tradition. The kids sled down the driveway after dinner. I park my car down there specially so that they won't go zinging right onto the highway. This is MY TRADITION!!!
I've no idea what to do about this. Youngest brother doesn't give a shit as long as he gets to eat for free. Middle brother may not even be coming home from Eastern Idaho for turkey day. Eldest brother said, "I was really hoping that you'd pitch a wall-eyed fit over the whole thing and I could tell Dad, 'You know, I really feel like I need to support Casey on this.'" I'm tempted, I really am.
Eldest brother hates the future step-mother (for tedious reasons I won't go into here), and would love it if we could rally and say in our own little passive-aggressive way that we don't really care to become the Brady Bunch, thank you very much.
I've fallen into the role of peace-maker for years now, and it's hard to fight that. I don't know what to do.
To Answer Sweety's Question

Mmm, cheese-flavored petroleum!

Velveeta is a very strange food-like substance. It is similar in texture to drywall mud, only it's cheese-flavored. It is chock-full of trans fats, which would just as soon kill you as look at you. It's nasty, horrible, unhealthy stuff. However, it melts like a dream and is a pretty critical step in the whole Crackaroni & Cheese recipe. Otherwise, your cheddar will just be all glumpy and oily looking.
Glad you asked, aren't you?
Deciphering Bush
This came from my friend, Kathy, via the Democratic Underground, in regard to the presidential debates..
Deciphering Bush
Bush's "Internets" comment wasn't his only clanger of the night. (Did you expect it to be?) No, Bush put his foot in his mouth on a wide variety of other topics.
From Bush's mouth:
"First, the National Journal named Senator Kennedy the most liberal senator of all."
In Bush's brain:
Kennedy, right? I think that's right... who is this guy sitting across from me again? Wait, where am I?
From Bush's mouth:
"You looked at me like my clock was up."
In Bush's brain:
Heh heh! Clock... up...
From Bush's mouth:
"Look at the record of the man running for the president."
In Bush's brain:
I mean the other guy. Don't look at MY record.
From Bush's mouth:
"This is different from saying, OK, let me incent you to go on the government."
In Bush's brain:
Incent... ya like that? See, I know big words too.
From Bush's mouth:
"I had to make the decision to destroy more life, so we continue to destroy life - I made the decision to balance science and ethics."
In Bush's brain:
She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes, she'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes... Dammit, Dubya! Focus!
From Bush's mouth:
"And I'm going to spend what it takes to win the war, more than just $120 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan."
In Bush's brain:
That reminds me, must tell Dick that Halliburton called again.
From Bush's mouth:
"Now, you asked what mistakes. I made some mistakes in appointing people, but I'm not going to name them. I don't want to hurt their feelings on national TV."
In Bush's brain:
Yeah, Dick Clarke, I'm talking about you. Keeping you on was a BIG mistake. Telling everyone Iraq wasn't a threat... well NOW who's the fool, huh?
From Bush's mouth:
"Need some wood?"
In Bush's brain:
Heh heh! Wood...
From Bush's mouth:
"I really don't have - haven't picked anybody yet [for the Supreme Court]. Plus, I want them all voting for me."
In Bush's brain:
Folks should like that. Stealing the election was funny.
From Bush's mouth:
"Another example would be the Dred Scott case, which is where judges, years ago, said that the Constitution allowed slavery because of personal property rights. That's a personal opinion. That's not what the Constitution says. The Constitution of the United States says we're all - you know, it doesn't say that. It doesn't speak to the equality of America."
In Bush's brain:
Stupid Constitution.
From Bush's mouth:
"I guess you'd say I'm a good steward of the land."
In Bush's brain:
Hope I managed to keep a straight face when I said that!
From Bush's mouth:
"I vowed to the American people after that fateful day of September the 11th that we would not rest nor tire until we're safe."
In Bush's brain:
Jesus, I need a vacation.
You know, if it weren't for the possibility of a bankrupted economy, a
ruined environment, an erosion of reproductive freedom, a theocracy
run by the richest Americans, endless war in the Middle East, and the
entire world hating our guts, another four years of Bush would
probably be quite funny.
Deciphering Bush
Bush's "Internets" comment wasn't his only clanger of the night. (Did you expect it to be?) No, Bush put his foot in his mouth on a wide variety of other topics.
From Bush's mouth:
"First, the National Journal named Senator Kennedy the most liberal senator of all."
In Bush's brain:
Kennedy, right? I think that's right... who is this guy sitting across from me again? Wait, where am I?
From Bush's mouth:
"You looked at me like my clock was up."
In Bush's brain:
Heh heh! Clock... up...
From Bush's mouth:
"Look at the record of the man running for the president."
In Bush's brain:
I mean the other guy. Don't look at MY record.
From Bush's mouth:
"This is different from saying, OK, let me incent you to go on the government."
In Bush's brain:
Incent... ya like that? See, I know big words too.
From Bush's mouth:
"I had to make the decision to destroy more life, so we continue to destroy life - I made the decision to balance science and ethics."
In Bush's brain:
She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes, she'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes... Dammit, Dubya! Focus!
From Bush's mouth:
"And I'm going to spend what it takes to win the war, more than just $120 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan."
In Bush's brain:
That reminds me, must tell Dick that Halliburton called again.
From Bush's mouth:
"Now, you asked what mistakes. I made some mistakes in appointing people, but I'm not going to name them. I don't want to hurt their feelings on national TV."
In Bush's brain:
Yeah, Dick Clarke, I'm talking about you. Keeping you on was a BIG mistake. Telling everyone Iraq wasn't a threat... well NOW who's the fool, huh?
From Bush's mouth:
"Need some wood?"
In Bush's brain:
Heh heh! Wood...
From Bush's mouth:
"I really don't have - haven't picked anybody yet [for the Supreme Court]. Plus, I want them all voting for me."
In Bush's brain:
Folks should like that. Stealing the election was funny.
From Bush's mouth:
"Another example would be the Dred Scott case, which is where judges, years ago, said that the Constitution allowed slavery because of personal property rights. That's a personal opinion. That's not what the Constitution says. The Constitution of the United States says we're all - you know, it doesn't say that. It doesn't speak to the equality of America."
In Bush's brain:
Stupid Constitution.
From Bush's mouth:
"I guess you'd say I'm a good steward of the land."
In Bush's brain:
Hope I managed to keep a straight face when I said that!
From Bush's mouth:
"I vowed to the American people after that fateful day of September the 11th that we would not rest nor tire until we're safe."
In Bush's brain:
Jesus, I need a vacation.
You know, if it weren't for the possibility of a bankrupted economy, a
ruined environment, an erosion of reproductive freedom, a theocracy
run by the richest Americans, endless war in the Middle East, and the
entire world hating our guts, another four years of Bush would
probably be quite funny.
October 10, 2004
Crackaroni and Cheese
I thought I'd share Mel's sister's recipe for baked macaroni and cheese. We call it "Crackaroni," because it's just that good. I made it for dinner tonight. This is a great recipe because you can use half of it to feed two people (with leftovers) and you can freeze the other half to bake another night. Enjoy!
2 cups milk
1 lb. Velveeta
1 lb. cheddar cheese
1.5 lbs. elbow macaroni
2 tb. butter
1 tb. flour
Salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350.
Boil macaroni until it's almost done, about 8 minutes. It should be al dente. Strain, place back in pot.
Over medium heat, pour 2 cups of milk in a saucepan. Slowly add cut up cheese (should be cut into small cubes for easier melting) and slowly cook. Stir constantly, otherwise it will separate or get clumpy. This can take up to 30 minutes, so have a book or a magazine sitting next to you on the counter for entertainment. Don't get it too close to the burner.
(This step is only necessary if your melted cheese sauce isn't thick enough to suit you. Use a couple tablespoons less milk and you may not have to do it at all.) In a small saucepan, combine about 2 tablespoons of butter with one tablespoon of flour. Whisk together. Add the butter/flour mixture to the cheese/milk sauce. Blend together well. You'll notice the cheese mixture will get thicker. You can add a little more butter & flour for thicker sauce, a tiny bit of milk for thinner sauce. Once it's at the right thickness, pour the cheese mixture into the pot with your macaroni. Mix together well.
Place in treated casserole dish (spray a little Pam or whatever on your pot--makes for easier clean up). I use a four-quart for just Matt and I and freeze the rest. I top mine with some shredded parmesan, breadcrumbs and a sprinkle of paprika. Bake for 45-60 minutes, depending on how crunchy you like it.
Eat it up while it's hot and gooey!
2 cups milk
1 lb. Velveeta
1 lb. cheddar cheese
1.5 lbs. elbow macaroni
2 tb. butter
1 tb. flour
Salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350.
Boil macaroni until it's almost done, about 8 minutes. It should be al dente. Strain, place back in pot.
Over medium heat, pour 2 cups of milk in a saucepan. Slowly add cut up cheese (should be cut into small cubes for easier melting) and slowly cook. Stir constantly, otherwise it will separate or get clumpy. This can take up to 30 minutes, so have a book or a magazine sitting next to you on the counter for entertainment. Don't get it too close to the burner.
(This step is only necessary if your melted cheese sauce isn't thick enough to suit you. Use a couple tablespoons less milk and you may not have to do it at all.) In a small saucepan, combine about 2 tablespoons of butter with one tablespoon of flour. Whisk together. Add the butter/flour mixture to the cheese/milk sauce. Blend together well. You'll notice the cheese mixture will get thicker. You can add a little more butter & flour for thicker sauce, a tiny bit of milk for thinner sauce. Once it's at the right thickness, pour the cheese mixture into the pot with your macaroni. Mix together well.
Place in treated casserole dish (spray a little Pam or whatever on your pot--makes for easier clean up). I use a four-quart for just Matt and I and freeze the rest. I top mine with some shredded parmesan, breadcrumbs and a sprinkle of paprika. Bake for 45-60 minutes, depending on how crunchy you like it.
Eat it up while it's hot and gooey!
It Just Keeps Getting Better
I'd like to give a special shout-out to my visitor from Cincinnati, Ohio, who found this page by querying Yahoo! for, "Trying to dilate my cervix."
I can't imagine I was much help, but I hope your dilation goes well.
I can't imagine I was much help, but I hope your dilation goes well.
October 09, 2004
Shame On You!
I just installed a new counter/statistics program last night and it's been quite interesting. Mia recommended it to me after I asked how she was tracking the keywords folks used to find her site.
One of you (and I can't begin to guess who), dear readers, came to my site via a query for "nude amateur housewife." For shame! I am neither nude, nor am I amateur.
I'm so offended...
One of you (and I can't begin to guess who), dear readers, came to my site via a query for "nude amateur housewife." For shame! I am neither nude, nor am I amateur.
I'm so offended...
October 08, 2004
Melissa Etheridge has Breast Cancer
Lesbian rocker Melissa Etheridge has breast cancer and has cancelled the rest of her U.S. tour to undergo treatment, her publicist said Thursday.
Etheridge, 43, will undergo surgery, and her doctor predicts that she'll have a "speedy and complete recovery," according to a statement by publicist Marcel Pariseau. The cancer was detected early, and the singer has reportedly been receiving treatment.
I can't imagine what hearing that diagnosis must be like. I'm glad to hear (that in this case) everything points toward a speedy recovery.
Just in Time for Christmas!
I know you're all going to want the whole collection, including Mormon Castle Greyskull.
Check out the Latter Day Saints action figures.
By way of Erica.
Check out the Latter Day Saints action figures.
By way of Erica.
October 07, 2004
The Good Thing About Thursday... that it means tomorrow is Friday. This has been a long week for me. Not just the manual labor part, but the fact that I'm working for a division of my employer that I never, ever wanted to be a part of, even in a temporary capacity. I've known since I was 19 years old and started this job that I wasn't suited to that particular branch, but here I am anyway. But...if I want to keep working, even for a short while, I have to do this work.
Trust me, I let them know that I'm not pleased with the situation.
In other news, I have garlic and clam breath. Matt saw that I was not a happy camper when I got home from work tonight, so after I showered, he took me out to dinner. We went to Buffalo Gal, which is in Donnelly, about 15 miles north of us. It's run by our friends, Julie and Tom, who are just so much fun. Tom is a wonderful chef and made us steamer clams in garlic broth with tomatoes and zucchini over angel hair pasta. My tummy is happy.
Trust me, I let them know that I'm not pleased with the situation.
In other news, I have garlic and clam breath. Matt saw that I was not a happy camper when I got home from work tonight, so after I showered, he took me out to dinner. We went to Buffalo Gal, which is in Donnelly, about 15 miles north of us. It's run by our friends, Julie and Tom, who are just so much fun. Tom is a wonderful chef and made us steamer clams in garlic broth with tomatoes and zucchini over angel hair pasta. My tummy is happy.
October 05, 2004
The Job Sitch
To answer Chris' question in the comments below, I've gained another couple of pay periods of work. Looks like I'll be employed full-time through at least the first part of November.
It's funny; now that I've had time to get used to the idea, I actually want to get laid off, and the sooner the better. Every morning, my alarm goes off and I think, "Aren't I laid off yet? Was it just a horrible mistake that made me set the alarm last night?" It's sort of disappointing, actually.
I can't wait to be a burden on society!
On an aside, I may have given one of my older, male co-workers brain damage yesterday. We were out in an area where we were a loooong way from a restroom, so I just, uh, copped a squat in what I thought was a secure location. (Number one, just number one!) Then I looked around and noticed this guy with his back conspicuously turned toward me. Sheesh...
It's funny; now that I've had time to get used to the idea, I actually want to get laid off, and the sooner the better. Every morning, my alarm goes off and I think, "Aren't I laid off yet? Was it just a horrible mistake that made me set the alarm last night?" It's sort of disappointing, actually.
I can't wait to be a burden on society!
On an aside, I may have given one of my older, male co-workers brain damage yesterday. We were out in an area where we were a loooong way from a restroom, so I just, uh, copped a squat in what I thought was a secure location. (Number one, just number one!) Then I looked around and noticed this guy with his back conspicuously turned toward me. Sheesh...
I'd Like to Thank My Parents, God...Wait, Never Mind
Check what I got in my e-mail today:
Congratulations Casey! Members of United Universists, the global
freethought movement, have selected your site as an excellent
Faithless Site! The Faithless Site Awards are presented to carefully
selected websites that proudly demonstrate secularism, pluralism,
empiricism, and eschew religious faith as a valid worldview.
Hooray for me! I checked out the website and while I'm flattered that they want me, that's still a little too much organization for me. You know, maverick me, and all that.
Congratulations Casey! Members of United Universists, the global
freethought movement, have selected your site as an excellent
Faithless Site! The Faithless Site Awards are presented to carefully
selected websites that proudly demonstrate secularism, pluralism,
empiricism, and eschew religious faith as a valid worldview.
Hooray for me! I checked out the website and while I'm flattered that they want me, that's still a little too much organization for me. You know, maverick me, and all that.
October 04, 2004
Oh, Tra La! It's Monday!
I am so pooped out tonight. Because of the whole lay-off situation, I'm working on a special project kind of thing, and it involves 100% manual labor all day long. My chubby little body is not used to that kind of thing, so I am just rendered. Plus, I had to wear the world's most uncomfortable (and expensive, ironically) boots, and my left ankle is all swollen up because they pinch me. *whine* If things are quiet around here for a few days, it's more than likely because I'm laying on the couch and can't get up for a day or two.
The other delightful thing Monday brought was a phone call from my mother just a few minutes ago. I've mentioned that I've pretty much disinherited her, as much as a child can do to a parent. I was more than a little surprised to see her name on the caller ID (thank God for that little gadget), and it turns out she needs my social security number for some documents regarding my grandmother's trust. Okay, fine. I e-mailed it. I guess that's one good thing about technology: you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to talk to. Unless you're subpoenaed, of course.
The other delightful thing Monday brought was a phone call from my mother just a few minutes ago. I've mentioned that I've pretty much disinherited her, as much as a child can do to a parent. I was more than a little surprised to see her name on the caller ID (thank God for that little gadget), and it turns out she needs my social security number for some documents regarding my grandmother's trust. Okay, fine. I e-mailed it. I guess that's one good thing about technology: you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to talk to. Unless you're subpoenaed, of course.
October 03, 2004
Worth Many Thousands of Words
Here's a good one: the Presidential Debate--in pictures!
I'm so glad someone finally was able to answer the McCain question.
Via Erica.
I'm so glad someone finally was able to answer the McCain question.
Via Erica.
Sky Captain and...yawn
We just got in from seeing Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
I liked the parts with Angelina Jolie in them. When she said, "Mobilize the amphibious units," I thought to myself, "Yes, let's definitely mobilize the amphibious units. In fact, why don't we do it twice!" (I was a little disappointed that amphibious units did not equate to Angelina in a bikini, but I'll always have Tomb Raider, I guess.)
Other than that, I was pretty disappointed. Jude Law is always lovely eye candy, but I have a hard time getting any kind of positive emotion worked up for Gwyneth Paltrow. The character she played was just tremedously grating.
Catch it at the dollar theatre, if you want to see it.
I liked the parts with Angelina Jolie in them. When she said, "Mobilize the amphibious units," I thought to myself, "Yes, let's definitely mobilize the amphibious units. In fact, why don't we do it twice!" (I was a little disappointed that amphibious units did not equate to Angelina in a bikini, but I'll always have Tomb Raider, I guess.)
Other than that, I was pretty disappointed. Jude Law is always lovely eye candy, but I have a hard time getting any kind of positive emotion worked up for Gwyneth Paltrow. The character she played was just tremedously grating.
Catch it at the dollar theatre, if you want to see it.
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