October 26, 2004

Tee Minus Seven Days and Counting

So it's now a week until the Presidential election. I'm so nervous about it that my stomach starts to hurt when I think about how close the race is.

I think this is going to be another election decided by the electoral college, as opposed to the popular vote. That really disturbs me: Lord knows the politicians here in Idaho have made some really bad decisions during their tenure, and I'm not just saying that as a Democrat in an overwhelmingly Republican state. There have been so many bad decisions, and I hate that those decision makers are going to be speaking out as to my choice for President. Essentially, they're eliminating my vote, my voice.

Anyway, if there are any voters reading who can't decide which candidate to vote for, here's my plea: next Tuesday is my 30th birthday, and as a present to me, I'd like to ask you to vote for John Kerry. I won't give you a dissertation on why he's the better candidate. I'm just saying that it would save you a little money on the gift (and shipping is free!). Heh.