To answer Chris' question in the comments below, I've gained another couple of pay periods of work. Looks like I'll be employed full-time through at least the first part of November.
It's funny; now that I've had time to get used to the idea, I actually want to get laid off, and the sooner the better. Every morning, my alarm goes off and I think, "Aren't I laid off yet? Was it just a horrible mistake that made me set the alarm last night?" It's sort of disappointing, actually.
I can't wait to be a burden on society!
On an aside, I may have given one of my older, male co-workers brain damage yesterday. We were out in an area where we were a loooong way from a restroom, so I just, uh, copped a squat in what I thought was a secure location. (Number one, just number one!) Then I looked around and noticed this guy with his back conspicuously turned toward me. Sheesh...