May 15, 2004

Another Saturday Night

...he passed out while driving
and ended up pressing his foot
down on
Okay, it's really Saturday afternoon, but I still ain't got nobody. (And no money; it's another week before I get paid, but at least I have you all to talk to.) Matt has gone down to some kids fishing event in Melba. I've lived in Idaho for all of my 29 years and I still couldn't find Melba on a bet.

Anyway, I am getting some laundry done, surfing the web, watching the dogs, etc. I went up to my favorite produce store in Donnelly and bought $31 of fruit and vegetables, much of which I should be freezing and packaging for summertime fruit smoothies.

I ran into our former neighbors while I was out and about this morning. They are the nicest people. Mr and Mrs are retired and fairly comfortable in their "sunset years," but like many older people these days, find themselves taking care of their grandchildren due to the fact that their daughter is a terminal fuck-up. So last weekend, Mr was driving in his mini-van behind his grandson, who was moving their riding lawn-mower down the street. Mr has had two bouts with brain cancer, and I believe is no longer in remission. He passed out while driving and ended up pressing his foot down on the accelerator. The mini-van got up to an estimated 40-50 mph and obliquely hit the grandson on the lawn-mower and then bounced off into someone's garage. Mr only came to after the vehicle had come to a stop. The grandson was Life-Flighted to Boise, where it was decided he only had minor injuries. Mr was okay too, but has more or less shut himself in his home for the last week and is very depressed. I wish I knew something to do for him.