May 14, 2004

Piddling Around

...futzing with a perfectly good blog layout, but it's a boring Friday night...

I'm dinking around a bit. As Mel can probably attest, I'm not very good with this sort of thing. Which is why I hired her for my skin--so that I couldn't mess anything up too badly. Anyway, this bit o' fun comes from Mandarin Design.

Matt is in the living room watching the Milwaukee Brewers play the Atlanta Braves. Yawn. Apparantly this is a "throwback" night, wherein the Brewers wear old-fashioned uniforms. Tonight's uniforms harken back to the 1950s when the Brewers used to be the Milwaukee Braves. Yes, they're playing the (Atlanta) Braves tonight. There are two teams of baseball players scampering around the field wearing the word "Braves" on their chests. It does not make it any easier for me to follow, let me tell you.