May 23, 2004

I'd Be Plastered

I've mentioned before that Matt and I are big fans of the new HBO series, "Deadwood." It's become a running joke for us to say, "What do you think will happen in the next episode?" The other of us will say, "Someone will get shot, someone will get stabbed, and someone will get called a 'cocksucker'."

Inspired by Erica's Sunday Night Sex Show game (now known as "Talk Sex With Sue Johanneson"), I'm working up my own drinking game for Sunday nights. The sad thing is that I'm usually walking on my lips by the second glass of wine/beer/shot, so I'd be passed out before the credits were actually over.

Here's what I've got so far:
Someone gets fed to Wu's pigs, everyone drinks.
The word "hoople-head" is used, everyone drinks twice.
Someone gets called a "cocksucker," everyone drinks.
The whores all get checked for pox, everyone drinks twice.
A town meeting is held in the Gem saloon, everyone drinks.
E.B. Farnham toadies up to Swearingen, everyone drinks.
Gratiuitous showing of nipples, everyone drinks.

That's where I'm at so far. Any other Deadwood fans out there have any suggestions?