May 08, 2004

Maybe the Weirdest Dream Ever

Most of you know I'm not particularly fond of cats, right? It all started when I was four and discovered that I was allergic. My throat closed up, I got hives, it was ugly. I just haven't been able to feel warm and fuzzy about them since then. Which is what makes last night's dream even more bizarre:

For whatever reason, I decided I wanted a kitten. I went to the pound, but there were no kittens available. There was, however, a very pregnant female cat. I took her home and she almost immediately went into labor on the kitchen counter. (Gross, huh?) So I'm sitting there thinking, "That's right Mama Kitty, I'm about to get some kittens." She was pushing and things were progressing. I grabbed the first kitten to clean it up and as I was wiping away the fetal ooze, I realized that I was holding an ear of corn. I thought, "Well if that's not the damndest thing." Then she birthed yet another ear of corn. All told, she gave birth to four ears of corn on my kitchen counter, and then died. I went over to our neighbors' house (the ones with the wrecking yard) and said, "I was going to come over and offer you a kitten, but all I have is this corn."

How weird is that?