May 19, 2004

Local TV

Thanks to DISH Network finally getting all their shit into one sock, we now have a "Super Dish," which receives local network stations from Boise. This is the first time we have had local tv in our home for...two years. I wish Matt had left his digital camera here, because at one point I looked out the window at the repairman and saw one of the worst cases of plumber's butt ever. I thought, "I could totally blog that." C'est la vie.

Anyway, part of the thrill is being able to watch local news. So I'm sitting on the couch watching this news story about a nine-foot long sturgeon getting poached out of the Snake River, and they interview a fisherman. (I'm thinking I should probably leave his name out of this. And I'm paraphrasing because I couldn't begin to remember his exact quote.) This guy says in the interview, "The really bad thing about all of this is that that fish is gone now. No one can ever catch it again!"

Sounds like a real concerned sportsman, right? Wrong. My darling husband caught him poaching salmon last year and issued him several tickets. Seems to me like the fish he poached aren't going to be available for anyone to catch again, either. Jerkoff.