May 08, 2004

Like Showering Inside a Yam

I (re)painted our master bathroom last weekend. The former owners of our house lived here for 30 years and chain-smoked for a substantial portion of that time. We learned fairly quickly that the humidity in our bathroom gets to a certain point and nicotine starts to leach out of the walls and drips in grotesque streaks of brownish-orange. We put down two coats of Kilz primer last summer and painted it a nice ice blue. Looked great for about two weeks. The the drips started again.

I knew drastic measures would have to be taken, but I wanted to stop short of tearing out all the sheetrock and doing it over. Neither of us really have the skills base for that anyway. So last Saturday I scampered down to the Home Despot in Boise and bought more Kilz and more paint. Doesn't sound quite logical, does it: already did Kilz and paint, and now am doing it again? Well, it makes sense when you paint the bathroom orange. Heh heh. As you may have guessed by my blog design, I love orange. I don't think we're going to be seeing any nicotine for a while. If you're interested, go to Behr's webpage and look up the color Maple Leaf. I friggin' love it.