By now, many of you have this image of me in your heads. It's that one over to the right there; hair done in a short shag with a flip. Well, that picture was taken about 14 months ago. I really liked my hair like that, but one day I decided to grow it out again.
I grew up having long hair. I've cut it and grown it out several times, the most recent growing-out having been because I wanted an updo for our wedding nearly three years ago. After having it down to the middle of my back for a while, I hacked it off and donated it to Locks of Love.'s now on it's way to being grown out. Want to see what it looks like now? Click here. Hint: it's the one on the left, though not so wavy.
Needless to say, I am hating my hair right now and I think I may have to scrap the growing-out plan. What do you all think of this?
By the way, I learned via tonight's post that Cameron Crowe was the writer for Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I totally did not know that.