January 17, 2005


I need some computer-savvy people to talk me through this. We've been working (unofficially, of course) off of Matt's work computer. Long story short, as long as we pay the internet fees, we're okay to use it so long as we don't look at terrible, dirty, obscene things.

However, I'm applying for several jobs in which about 50% of the work involves web design. (Thank God I'm really strong on the other 50% of the duties, right?) But I figure I can teach myself some basic stuff. In fact, I've convinced the ladies of Red Fish, Blue Fish to let me design a website for them. Additionally, Mel, my favorite Moxie Girl, is going to help me out. And the thing is, I can't really clutter up Matt's work computer with things like PhotoShop and uploading/downloading stuff. So I think we're going to buy a computer.

Would you all buy this one? In store, it's actually more like $650 after rebates. We've looked and looked, and it seems to me like you just can't beat the amount of MB and Mhz, and all that other computer crap that people think I should know about. I've checked both Dell and Gateway, and they can't seem to touch the amount of memory and whatall, and certainly not for anything under about $900+.

So. Help? What should I look for? Really, I just want to do my usual stuff on the internet, do a little word processing, and then design two webpages. Not that much, right? Advise me! Thanks!!!