January 29, 2005

Inspector Gadget

Our buyer's home inspection is today. That's where the buyer typically hires a certified home inspector to come in and scrutinize the place to let them know the house isn't going to fall down around their ears two days after closing.

Our buyer is evidently going to do his own inspection. I guess he used to be a real estate agent, so I suppose he's got some experience in this kind of thing. I've gone back over the house with a scrub brush and a bottle of Clorox Clean-Up, but that's about all I can do--ensure the cleanliness of the house.

We have no reason to think this shouldn't go smoothly, but I'm still nervous. This is one of the big steps in the sale process. We're heading to Boise tomorrow to meet with our realtor and look at houses.

I'm feeling very fidgety.