January 10, 2005

I Don't Think My Insurance Covers That...

I had a call from my friend, Tea, today. Tea lives in the Fort Worth area, and has the cutest accent EVER.

Tea took her car to a dealership to get some work done on it. Later on, a woman from the dealership called and said something like, "Wayull, I got some bayud news for yew. Yer car blowed up."

Blowed up?! I'd be wondering how big the fireball was and if anyone got hurt. Did that can of Fix-A-Flat under the seat get somehow punctured? Was it because I waited until 4000 miles between oil changes? Tell me what I did wrong!!!

Anyway, then Tea said something like, "Blowed up?"
Dealership Girl: Yep, blowed up.
Tea: Blowed up.
Dealership Girl: Yeah, there's some kahnda problem with your compressor and the framistan and the wonky-divot and such.

Okay, she didn't really say "framistan" and "wonky-divot," but I can't really remember the specific parts.

So really, the car didn't get blowed up at all. It just needs some new parts. I told Tea that "It blowed up," has got to be on a Top Ten Reasons to Find a New Mechanic list somewhere. Seriously.