April 14, 2004

Fun With Rodents

I could gag. I was twirling the lazy susan in the kitchen earlier this evening, when I saw what looked like a small, brown Rice Krispie on the shelf. And then I saw another. And another. It would appear we have mice. Just thinking about it makes the back of my throat tickle. I pulled everything off the shelves and those little fuckers have eaten through pretty much every bag of pasta we owned, in addition to a bag of Hershey's Kisses left over from Christmas.

Matt has set traps, which I absolutely refuse to have anything to do with. I can't imagine emptying a mouse trap with a victim inside it. *shudder* Are you even supposed to use D-Con near food? And no one suggest that we get a cat. Not only am I allergic, but (I know I'm going to alienate people here) I can't stand them. I'd rather have mice. I think.