April 27, 2004

Go On, Ask Me!

So here's a little notion I picked up from Erica, who you likely remember from her stint here as a guest blogger. Here's how it works:

1. Leave me a comment asking me three questions. They can be serious or goofy, hypothetical, whatever. Just don't ask me math questions if you want a correct answer.

2. I will answer your questions as best I can, as soon as I can.

3. Now you go back to your own blog and ask the same of your visitors. (Use TrackBack, por favor, provided you have it.)

Okay, go ahead. As Frasier would say, "I'm listening."

Erica's Questions
1. What was the last dream you had about? The last one I remembered was a sad one. My nephew Jordan, who I haven't seen in 7 years after I left the Jehovah's Witnesses, and who now is 14, was a baby again. I was in a department store and I heard him crying for me. I knew that he had locked himself in a dressing room, but I couldn't figure out which one and there were hundreds of dressing rooms. I searched and searched, but I didn't find him before I woke up. I miss Jordan and his sister Morgan very, very much.
2. What's something you should do this week but haven't gotten around to? I should be cleaning my damn house instead of blogging! At least the kitchen is clean...sorta.
3. Rock, paper, scissors. My gut says scissors.