April 28, 2004


I'd really like to write a lovely post with lots of links about my brief vacation and all the places I went shopping, as well as the stacks of books I recently have acquired. However, my dial-up connection is being a bitchwhore from hell, and does not really want to operate with another window open.

Long story short (because it's going to have to be), I did hit what I consider the ultimate women's sportswear joint, Title 9 Sports. I drool over the catalog and can pretty much quote you the price of any item in it. Unfortunately, the said prices can be awfully high. I was hoping for a clearance rack (my family motto is "Never Pay Retail"), but I was sorely disappointed. I splurged though, and bought myself the cutest little Horny Toad skirt, and my darling beloved husband (whose butt I am obviously still kissing) bought me a matching shirt for the ridiculous sum of $42. *cough, gag* Ain't he sweet?