April 13, 2004

These People Suck

I was so eagerly anticipating Bravo's new show, "Showbiz Moms & Dads. It's reality tv, and it's about parents who put their young kids into things like beauty pageants, tv commercials, etc. I'd long suspected that the average beauty pageant parent was totally fucked up, and well, I was right. This crazy cracker lady has her poor little four year old in all kinds of Little Miss crap and while she swears she only does it because it makes her daughter so happy, you can totally tell that it is all about her--her unfulfilled dreams and her belief that she could have been so much better than she turned out to be. So what does she do? She tarts her pre-schooler up in wigs and more make-up than Tammy Faye and makes her sing and dance like a trained dog.

A pox on those people. I can't believe the hell people will put their children through.