April 29, 2004

Two-Buck Chuck

The people we house-sit for brought us a case of wine from California on their last trip. (I think I mentioned that I wished it wasn't Chardonnay.) I learned a few days later that it's also known as "Two-Buck Chuck," and that it retails for $1.99 per bottle. So I was thinking how it really wasn't that magnanimous a gesture. However, it tastes great. I'm loving every glass.

Turns out there is no Charles Shaw Winery. It went out of business over 20 years ago, and the purchaser of the winery name has simply bought a massive overage of wine grapes and has a master vinter to blend them. How 'bout that. Anyway, if you like wine at all, you totally cannot beat the value. A case of wine for twenty-five bucks?! How much sangria would that make?