When we have children, I want my kid to wear one of these.
The more alert of you may be asking yourselves, "Have children? Doesn't she mean 'adopt children'?" Well, actually...no. Not at the moment. I kind of had life come out of nowhere and whallop me over the head with a biological imperative. My husband and I are not strictly infertile. There is some hope. When we went to see specialists last September, the key thing I heard was that it was going to be very, very difficult for us to conceive naturally. I realize now that, as a defense tactic against my emotions, I went very quickly from Plan A (conceive naturally), straight to Plan 12-B-472 (foster and adopt). As you can see by the numbering system, I skipped a few steps.
We contacted Health & Welfare last week and had them pull our applications, at least until we know more about our other options. It honestly felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after we did that. I'm not saying that adoption won't happen, but I want to know that we did everything we felt was right in order to have our own biological children.
So. That's that.