Matt and I are celebrating our second wedding anniversary today. We got a hotel room in Boise last night and by way of doing something special, attended a Thai cuisine class at Grand Gourmet, a specialty cooking store downtown. It was really interesting and I think we learned a lot. As a matter of fact, we're attempting to duplicate one of the recipes at home tonight. Its called "Drunken Chicken," and is a very spicy dish flavored with lemongrass, ginger, garlic and chiles. If it turns out half as good as last night's dish, we'll be in foodie heaven.
In the meantime, Handy Andy (Matt) is working on a home improvement project. He tested his mettle on Monday by installing one of those kitchen sprayer faucets. Its the bomb. He's now in the hall bathroom putting in a hand-held shower head. Nobody ever takes a shower in there, but it's going to make bathing the dogs worlds easier to accomplish.