March 07, 2004

How Much?! For Lotion?!

My friend Kristy and I hit the Origins counter at the mall last night. I was there to pick up some "Gloomaway Body Souffle," which was pretty spendy, but I figured I could handle $21 as a little splurge. While there, the lady at the counter offered us hand massages with the lotions of our choice. I'd got to sniffing things, so I ended up with a couple of different body souffles I wanted to try. Instead of the Gloomaway, I took "A Perfect World" up to the counter. It rang up as $31.80. From what I read on the box, it didn't describe this miracle cream as being able to provide bigger boobs, balancing my checkbook, or guaranteeing the ABB's victory in November. I nonchalantly gagged a couple of times as I was handing over my Visa.

You'll all be pleased to know that I returned the lotion after a lap or two around the mall. Don't make me tell you about the trip into Bath & Body Works or the Hallmark store, though.