March 11, 2004

I Hate Foxes

My friend Rosie refers to foxes as, "Nasty little cat-dogs." She's right. I used to think foxes were cute. Then they started peeing on my stuff. Cascade is swarming with foxes, many of which are tame enough that they'll come right up on your porch and scent mark anything that happens to be there. If you've never smelled fox whiz, its exactly like skunk stink, only less intense. Its so rank. The dumb dogs love it, though. Its like spaniel cologne to them. They find whatever object (notably our barbeque grill) the fox has made potty on and then they rub their heads and bodies all over it. Then they come prancing over, wagging their stumpy little tails, and making faces like, "Oh Mommy, don't I smell pretty? Give me a hug!"

Damn fool dogs...